A time and money savings reference guide for KITCHEN REMODELING to add value to your home.
And. . . do-it-yourself home improvement help
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You Will Save $3,000 to $5,000 EACH Year on Your Supplies and Appliance Purchases, Tools, Repairs, Maintenance, Remodeling and Home Improvement Projects by Using These Secrets & Tips Known Only by Professionals . . . Until Now!
Jennifer Chambers
Dallas, Texas
Dear friend,
You are about to discover the secrets of professional contractors, builders, decorators, painters, electricians, plumbers, installers, and retailers. You won't find this information anywhere else on-line! Professionals will not publish their knowledge and experience because they want you to rely ONLY on them. Exposing their secrets will allow YOU to have more control which can save you a fortune. You could buy a brand new car with that kind of savings!
The following information comes from the 30-year experience of Tom Skinner and his relentless pursuit of uncovering the secrets & tips of "professionals". As a do-it-yourself consultant, he reveals the tricks you can use to achieve great results on your remodeling and home improvement projects. And, you will have the how-to knowledge of what is involved for your project including step-by-step instructions.
Tom covers the major aspects of remodeling and home improvement that you need to know. You also will learn how to get 35% off on your supplies and appliance purchases, and how to get name brand tools for half price.
You see, as a women I recognize a very basic fact. If you don't know enough about the different aspects of remodeling and if you don't have as much experience as a "professional", they can tell you anything and you won't know for sure if it is true. So, if you want to be better prepared and informed about your remodeling and home improvement projects (what to do and how to do it), continue reading and learn from Tom, as I have, the tricks of the trade and the secrets of professionals.
Jennifer Chambers
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